Frontend Developer, working with Js, React(Mostly 😛), webGL, PWA or checkout my Github & Codepen.
Caleido is a drawing app for creating Tessellation's and symmetrical art. The application consist's of over 8 type's of symmetries such as Square Kaliedo, Hexagon, Hexagon Kaliedo & Hexagon Rotation, etc. The app also consist's of a grid helper's for each symmetry, Undo/Redo until any level, two types of strokes etc.
React wiki preview
React wiki preview
Add wikipedia link preview to your own article's, blog post's, or in any general text content. Short link previews really do help users to gain context on the article they are reading or to define an unfamiliar term, object, event, or idea without navigating away from their original topic.
Lmonix is a desktop application for creating webVR prototype's, the tool consist's of a simple design editor for creating the static scene and a prototype editor for creating animation's and adding logic using script's. dynamic trigger, and other feature's.
Re Cardswipe
Re Cardswipe
re-cardswipe is a react component library emulating the UI card swipe as seen on applications such as tinder, this library provides the state track for each card, controls for physics of animation, dynamic trigger, and other feature's.
React gui controller
React gui controller
A graphical user interface for changing states in react. Inspired from Google's popular dat.GUI controller library. This library provides additional functionalities such as Ease curve editor, Draggable placement and Stylable component's. For styling this library uses Zeit styled-jsx.
React video pop
React video pop
Floating video component made in react , which is draggable across any coordinate of the screen, consist of basic controls like mute, play etc and resizable too across any corner of the window. The working is inspired from the MacOS picture to picture feature.